After discovering there was a problem with the D-Max we became temporary residents of Darwin. Not the best time of year to be stuck in Darwin; the build-up to the wet. We had no options but work through the problems with the car and find a solution.
After already spending a week in Darwin we were ready to get moving again. Unfortunately it was then discovered cracked engine bay panels, which meant leaving Darwin without addressing the problem was not prudent. Three weeks were spent working through the issues, discovering the cause and working out options for fixing the cracked panels.
Finally, thanks to the fantastic efforts of Dave, Sandy and Jamie at Fair Trade Autos the root cause for the cracking was discovered. With the details and circumstances established we were able to lodge a claim with Club 4×4 our insurers.
The honesty and prompt communication from Carli, and the rest of the claims team at Club 4×4 was so pleasing. I will be the first one to admit our situation was not a simple or straight forward incident. Club 4×4 is a specialist insurance provider for 4X4 enthusiasts, and most importantly the people who work there are also enthusiasts, they were willing to listen and could understood the circumstances relating to our claim. I am glad we have them as insurers, for both our D-Max and Digger alike. I even regularly read The Campfire blog on their website, which provides all things dealing with off-road and camping.
Once the D-Max went in for repairs at Fair Trade Auto our new friends, Dave and Sandy suggested we should head off to Bali for the four weeks while the car was being repaired, it really was a no-brainer. The alternative of spending another four weeks cooped up in the caravan in the stifling humidity was probably going to send us both insane.
Following are the Bali or better still our Indonesian adventures: