It’s been a long time since my last post, but a working man does not have much spare time for Idle Internet blogging.
Joanne and I became reunited (properly) at Holbrook NSW back in August last year, we met there after I left Tasmania and also completing the Wilson Promontory Mile Beaches. Holbrook is half way between Canberra and Melbourne, we met there to watch a family friend play a game of AFL. Then we spent a couple of nights at old favourite camping site; Bethungra Dam. Returning to Canberra, Joanne was still working a number of casual odd jobs was helping fill our very depleted coffer. I on the other hand spent most of the time completing activities that depleted the coffer. Namely SCUBA diving on the south coast of NSW in a seal colony and attending the AFL grand final in Melbourne. Thanks to my dear friends Brendan and Trish they organised a ticket I got the opportunity to attend my first AFL Grand final and watched Richmond annihilate GWS….. Go Tiges