After woodfired pizza at the “corrugations bar” at Punsand Bay it was off to the very top of Australia. The car park at the Tip was packed with vehicles and then strolling over the rocky outcrop to get to the sign at the very tip of Australia there were people in dress ups having photos taken – great atmosphere and lots of laughs. The phone reception was great so everywhere you looked people were chatting to family and friends from this iconic spot.
We were in no hurry to leave and eventually found ourselves alone sitting right at the Tip of Australia. Now what better place and to sit and contemplate life and the universe. This did not last long as next minute I was walking back down the rocks and a guy on a trail bike was right at my heel. How amazing they had ridden all the way up the Old Telegraph Track and then to the very Tip. We had seen them on the track a few times along the way I was told the bike-trip was 15 years of planning. The youngest rider was not much older that 18 so I guess would not have been too long out of nappies when the older lads were dreaming of the trip. The bike party consisted of brother, uncles, a dad as film crew and a granddad as road crew, good mates they were a great bunch of blokes to have met at the Tip.