Arriving back in Perth on 30 April 2018 we gratefully recovered the DMAX and Digger from our good friends Leslie and Neil. Our son Nathan and his girlfriend Liz joined us for this very special travel segment.
Headed north from Perth a couple of cool (cold) nights along the way. Quick stop at the Pinnacles then on to the seaside town of Horrocks, to complete a Mile Beach. With the Mile Beach Club membership expanding, it is only fitting that Nathan and Liz became members by joining us on Three Mile Beach. We are going to make sure Matthew is included in one of our remaining beaches on the east coast, possibly Tasmania.
We didn’t have a lot of time to spare as dates for Whale Shark snorkelling at Exmouth had been booked. We did manage to visit Kalbarri National Park, Shark Bay & Hamelin Pool Station and a very nice visit to Warroora Station.
In Exmouth the whale shark trip out on Ningaloo Reef was the highlight of our expedition with Nathan and Liz. It wasn’t long, and we were bidding Nathan and Liz goodbye at Learmonth Airport, they were returning to Perth to fly over to Africa to take up management positions at The Funky Cichlid. To console ourselves with the departure of Nathan and Liz we booked in at Kurrajong Campground, Cape Range National Park.