Five Mile Beach (WA69763}

Beach trip report

It is said the journey is more important than the destination. In getting to Five Mile Beach close to Port Denison the journey was more interesting one could say than the beach.

General Location Port Denison
Aboriginal Tribe/Language Group Amangu People
Access to beach 4WD ONLY track to the beach
Beach Classification Wave Dominated – Reflective
Start Date/Time 6 March 2018 11:53
Start Location (inc Lat/Log) S29° 12.741’ E114° 54.103’
End Date/Time 6 March 2018 12:06
End Location (inc Lat/Log) S29° 12.579’ E114° 54.103’
Mode of Travel Walk
Distance Travelled 0.3km (300 metres)
Location of Sand Sample (lat/Long) S29° 12.679’ E114° 54.104’

Five Mile Beach is the shortest (length) beach we have to deal with so far. The naming of this beach like so many other mile beaches does not reflect the length of the beach but would appear to be the distance from another location along the coast. It is just my observation but in WA there are several groupings of “Mile Beaches” were the names correspond to the distance from a fishing port or town.

Anyway the good district ranger I spoke to up at Seven Mile Beach camping ground told us how to access the beach from the back of Dongara town which is the co-joined settlement to Port Denison. It was easy to locate the start of the track but the 4,2km 4WD track was heavily overgrown, tight and winding a test for both machine and humans.

We did mange to arrive at the beach safely without any damage to the vehicle or equipment, just some frayed nerves. It was very isolated so after we both walked the length of the beach was walked, we striped off and enjoyed a dip in the Indian Ocean on this sunny day to cool off, pictures not included.

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